Hello all & welcome to zewe gifts for any new & existing customers
Special offers over this weekend are -
10% off any orders £15.00 or over using code BF18Z at checkout - from Thursday 22/11/18 10pm to Saturday 24/11/18 11.59pm
20% off any orders £25.00 or over using code CM18Z at checkout - from Sunday 25/11/18 12am to Tuesday 27/11/18 10am
Automatic Discounts over the weekend are -
On Friday 23/11/18 - Buy any Highball glass get 2nd Half price, starts 12am ends 11.59pm.
On Saturday 24/11/18 - . Buy 1 Semi precious Necklace get 40% off matching Earrings starts 12am ends 11.59pm.
On Sunday 25/11/18 - Buy 1 Tile Coaster get 2nd Half price, starts 12am ends 11.59pm.
On Monday 26th - Buy a Elm Star & get a Mini Wreath half price starts 12am ends 11.59pm.
From 10pm Thursday 22/11/18 to 10am Tuesday 27/11/18 - Buy 2 Christmas Baskets get 1 free. They are great little stocking fillers or perfect for table favours. These can still be purchased while out of stock please allow an extra 2 to 4 days for dispatch.
Also zewe's will be starting a news letter in the new year if you would like to sing up just go to the section on my front page under the blogs section & enter your email. There will be at least 4 in the first year to test popularity & for seasonal offers only available at that time for people who have signed up.
Hope you have a lovely weekend & enjoy shopping or just browsing for ideas I will be here for any questions feel free to contact me by Facebook, Instagram, Comment below or email at zewegift@gmail.com also "contact us form" available at the bottom of the front page
Love to you all
Zara (zewe gifts) xxxx