Welcome to zewe's gifts, A wide selection of hand crafted & hand painted useable keepsakes. UK postage only


Product release

Product release

Good afternoon, the gift wrapped Easter products are now available each with at least a couple of options. You can either buy as normal via website...

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

Just a little insight to what's happening with the cozies I've made. Well tonight I feel like I'm on mission impossible on gift wrapping 😁 Take 1 l...

Product News

Hello all, this is a tad later than planned but I hope you like. New Easter collection is now available with a small range of products. All these p...

Product News

Hello there everyone. As I told you in previous blogs I have been working hard on some new collections. Well the start of my Unique collection is n...


Event list of craft fairs/markets that zewe gift's will attend in 2018